Saturday 28 April 2018

A late entry

I found this on my Google drive... dated 23rd March 2013....

its 3 years since I posted something, but I thought it was the correct thing to do

Although I profess to be a LoveJunkie (addicted to Love) in all forms.  Love of my people and Love of a Good Man. Love of food, I have to include this, I am passionate about food.  

I seem to have an preoccupation with the ending of relationship.  That’s the thing, if you are a LoveJunkie this is almost an occupational hazard.  

I don’t look at it as an end, just a new beginning of loneliness.  Hmm !

#Love Don't Live Here Anymore

It's not that I don’t love you
It's just that I have to go
It's taken me all these years to realise
That love doesn’t live here no more

With that he was gone
Bags pre-packed he headed for the door
A lifetime passed by standing motionless
Waiting for an explanation
A second opinion on what you had just witnessed
Confirmation that it was for real
And that you weren’t coming back no more

Tears stinging your eyes
Threatening to stain your face
Really what was the tears about
It wasn’t a conventual breakup
No adultery no affair
No screaming and shouting
And getting it off your chest
Just a one sided discussion
Something you can’t ignore
The final show of arrogance
Before you headed through the door

Clearly you had thought this out
Convinced that you are sure
To end the existence of you and us
To banish me to a place of no return
Where broken hearts go to yearn
Although we both went into this
Only one of has gone through the door
Confirming, Love Don’t live here anymore!

Saturday 13 August 2016

Reparations well overdue

#251 The same Surname as me

You have the same surname as me
does that mean you were once a slave?
no. !
we share the same surname
that is where the similarities end
your forefathers were once slave owners
my forefathers were once slaves
so where are their wages?
that they toiled and laboured for
where are the bodies that were lost at sea?
where are the babies that were cut from bellies?
the women and the men that were raped?
we know it was wrong
yet they still won’t hear our reparations song
tell us it was too long ago
and we should be over it by now
but my heart aches
and my soul mourns
for all those family members I lost
ohh so long ago
to me it feels like yesterday
a pain that will not go away
a dull nagging pain
that hurts evermore

Monday 9 March 2015

Stop Killing My Black Man

Stop Killing My Black Man

Posted FB 14th December 

Twisted Mouths
I put my hand up so he could see
I wasn’t packing
the only crime I had committed
was being Black-IN
the wrong place
at the wrong time
Historically this has been the case
For all the Africans that were captured
and exported
where all their dreams have been aborted
I put my hands up and said
‘I can’t breathe!’
trying desperately to persuade
the officer to let me go
let me be free
he said
I owed him
A debt I had been born into
If we wouldn’t work for free
there was a taxation
of human beings
No! This could not be true
I looked back historically
he was right
it was late at night
normally in the South
where Black men
would swing from Poplar Trees
‘burning flesh and
with twisted mouths’

Thursday 2 October 2014

In court today

posted on fb 3rd October 2014

He Told The Judge

he told the judge he was homeless
has he no shame?
his father came with so much less
yet his father found fame

he told the judge he was broke
all his money was spent
everything he had on his back
was borrowed stolen or lent

he told the judge his children did not need a home
they were grown adults now
my how time had flown
he wanted them out right now

he told the judge he has nothing
this was his first words of truth
he has no compassion, no heart
no love for humanity he is completely aloof

he told the judge he would wait for his settlement
this he will have to do
wait and wait and wait
until his waiting days are through

Tuesday 23 September 2014

I've still got it

posted today on fb

I refuse to let
my pass
plague my future
my present
is where I am
from this day forward
never looking back

Every day
I am evolving
to a
new and improved

I am now
to myself and others
I am now
where I want to be

Friday 19 September 2014

Scottish Referendum. I am glad they stayed

The Referendum  showed us that there was really a problem, that England had ignored for such a long time.  I am glad the way it turned out, everyone knows where everyone stands, a close call 55 % wanting to be part of The  United as in United Kingdom

Were you going to leave
I know how you feel
when you feel unappreciated
and a grieved
but were you going to leave
couldn’t you just talk it out
not those debates where ministers shout
Scotland you can’t just sail off
and detach
taking your money and your stash
Scotland I can’t believe you were going to leave
I am glad you changed your mind
as I have a holiday booked

to come see you some day

Saturday 6 September 2014

Writing joy

posted fb

#296 This is where I have fun

I haven’t been around
for a long time
it’s as if I have lost my way
like a child in a playground
suddenly I have forgotten how to play
it should come naturally
as this is what I do
keep things bottled in
then share them just here with you
you keep my secrets
you know my heart
you have been there in the beginning
you were there in the start
I will revisit you
keep coming back
until I am done
this is my way

like a child having fun